Just like many other mini projects, Carefour supermarket in Idle Office Tycoon is the most basic one. It unlocks at the very early stage of the game and starts generating profit. At first it is much lower, but increases with the upgrades. My strategy would be to invest here whenever I get a chance instead of upgrading office levels.

Carefour Supermarket is in the Liberty City Development Zone. It gives profit every 2 minutes. Forbes Index Requirement for unlocking this is 90.  

With every upgrade, profit increases by +2000 per two minutes. Max Level of carrefour supermarket is +22000/2min. Here is the breakdown of the upgrade cost all the way up to Carefour Supermarket max level.


Next Level

Cost of Upgradation




















Max Level

This might sound a good amount at first, but later it would cover nothing as compared to the expenses. The money that would be required for upgrading office equipment is a lot more than this. As you transfer the office to new and higher level buildings, required investment would increase with that.

You have to buy the assets to increase the Forbes Index Requirement for unlocking certain projects. Automobile markets and other projects also require Reputation points to unlock that. Reputation points can be increased by increasing and completing company levels.

How to get to max level of Carefour Supermarket in Idle Office Tycoon?

Upgrading all the levels up to max might sound simple, but it is not once you start it. At start, you bank balance would be in six figures. But one upgradation might cost up to seven figures. Then the only way to move to the next level is by earning more money. This is the part where you have to get strategic.

If you would rely on mere offline earnings of your office, then it would take days to reach the max level. You have to find a quick way to get millions in a seconds. This could be done only in Electronics Foundry. There you can fulfill the orders and get millions in a single selling. But this would also take time as money is required to establish new buildings and workshops.


Carefour Supermarket in idle office tycoon apk is one of your starting projects. I would advise you to Invest here regardless of the outcome. This would give you a headstart and a better understanding of the game.

You will be able to get prepared for the next investment like Las Vegas Casino in Bayshore Zone and Hilton Hotel in Future Zone.


The cost of upgradation for last level in this is 9,100,000. After this, your earning will be +22000/2min. Keep on upgrading it whenever you see the up sign on the supermarket icon. Eventually you will reach to the maximum level.

This is all up to you that which strategy you use in this game. But I would advise you to keep focus on upgrading and building new workshops in Electronics Foundry

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